Just Say Yes

Have you ever heard God give you an assignment but lacked the confidence to say yes? Maybe you even offered excuses for your unwillingness and argued with God about your lack of qualifications.

Then you and I are in good company.

Me, you, and Moses.

God gave Moses an assignment, “Go to Egypt. Free my people.” Moses clearly heard God but vehemently resisted the call. He argued that he was slow to speak. He doubted his authority and was sure no one would listen to him.

His words of assurance weren’t enough for Moses so God decided to conduct a little hands-on experiment.

Moses had worked in the fields tending to his father-in-law’s sheep. While shepherding he carried a staff. Moses used the staff to prod the sheep and defend them against their enemies.

The staff was Moses’ source of strength and power. It was something he relied upon to help him in times of trouble. God told Moses to throw the staff down; when he did He was an eye-witness to God’s power. He was also able to experience what happens when the power of surrender defeats the power of doubt: Moses watched his staff turn into a snake then back into a staff.

The very thing that brought Moses comfort and security was the very thing that held back from experiencing God. It wasn’t’ until he surrendered his comfort and security that He saw God powerfully work in His life. Surrendering opened His eyes to possibility of God doing the impossible through him.

Like Moses, too often the thing that holds us back is the thing we hold tightest. When we surrender our security and comfort we will see God miraculously work in our life.

What if we ran to God instead from Him? What if we confidently said yes the first time He asked rather than fervently doubting ourselves?

When He calls let’s say yes. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Let’s say yes!