Becoming Less

“He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.”
John 3:30 (NLT)

John the Baptist was not just Jesus’ cousin, he sole purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus. His charisma pulled people to him like a magnet. His message of repentance of sin led to the baptism of many. John enjoyed success in his calling yet when Jesus began His ministry he only wanted success for Jesus. He never demonstrated envy or jealousy. In fact John said, “Therefore I must be filled with joy at his success.”

Celebrating the success of others isn’t easy. I’ve been there, working longer than my contemporaries only to see them enjoy certain successes before and beyond me. Unfortunately my response was more like that of a 2-year than John the Baptist. Oh to be able to genuinely better thrilled for another’s success!

God has taught me something during my 2-year old tantrums. Contentment is the key to experiencing success. When we push through our feelings of envy and jealous and embrace our mission, we experience God’s pleasure. God’s pleasure in us is success. Knowing we have brought joy to our Heavenly Father will enable us to be filled with joy as other around us enjoy success.