The Oreo Heartbreak

Broken Oreo Heals the Broken HeartedThe Oreo Heartbreak

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
Psalm 34:18

After a lunch of peanut butter sandwiches, chips, and apples, it was treat time. The most common treat in our house is usually a family favorite: Oreo cookies.

Eating an Oreo is an art to each individual. Some dunk the cookie in milk; some eat it dry and in one bite; others separate the cookies and relish each part. I have perfected my own way of enjoying these mouth-watering morsels. I twist the cookies apart and scrape the crème filling off with my teeth. This leaves my favorite part of the cookie: the wafers. Eating these chocolate crisps is almost sacred to me. I do not want to be interrupted. I slowly savor each bite, being careful not to break either wafer or the experience is not the same.

One day after lunch I realized my children eat their Oreos the same way. I had never noticed their ability to scrape the crème without breaking the cookies. (It must be in our genes.) I giggled as three-year-old Griffin ran his baby teeth along the hard cookie. Our happiness halted to a stop with the sound of a cracked wafer. In the grand scheme of life, I knew a broken cookie was just that; but, it broke my little guy’s heart. I knew just how he felt. When Griffin brought his broken wafer to me I gladly exchanged it for my whole one.

God used that moment to remind me of His love for us. His desire is to take the broken pieces of our lives and exchange them with His wholeness. The Lord does not want us to wait until we clean up our act, restore a relationship, lose weight, get a new job, kick an old habit … He wants us to come  as we are.  He came to heal, Isaiah 61:1, where the word bind is used instead of heal. In the original Hebrew, bind means “to wrap firmly, govern, healer, or wrap about.”

Will you take the broken pieces of your heart to the Healer and let Him wrap His arms firmly around you today? God loves you and came to give you abundant life (John 10:10). You cannot experience this until you give your brokenness over to the only one who can make you whole—Jesus.

If you have brokenness, ask God to heal it. If you do not have any brokenness, praise Him that you are whole.


  1. Thank you Wendy for this encouragement I so needed today. Oreos are my favorite but I like the double stuffed ones the best not just more stuffing but thicker wafers too.

  2. Wendy…I have added the first 5 app to my phone, so I have read some of your posts there…such a huge blessing today’s’ was….thank you for that, so I decided to check your website….I so needed this. Blessings to you!!

  3. Wendy,
    How great is our God to be able to use something like an Oreo cookie (as Devine as they are, lol) to teach us a lesson. I love how you show Gods amazing way of making us whole again!
    Thank you for such insight and your desire to share it!
    Isn’t motherhood grand!

  4. Scrolling through the Proverbs 31 website speakers today. Up until yours none “spoke” to me. Then, tears. Often, this is how I know God is speaking to me.
    He wants us to come as we are.
    I have a big deadline. The culmination of a years’ long project. My Masters degree. The past several months, I have put off so many things, including doing the daily work I needed to feel connected to God.
    I need to allow who I am, this unfinished hot mess (!) to allow God to help me, to bind me, even though I don’t look “ready” at the moment.

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